Get ready for November!

Whether you write novels or picture books, November offers opportunities to kick start a new project…or 30.

If you’re the novel writing sort, you can celebrate National Novel Writing Month by trying your hand at NaNoWriMo! Their site offers loads in the way of support, information, finding others in your area. Sign up and see what you can do!

If you’re more of a picture book person, you’re not getting left out in the November cold! Children’s book author Tara Lazar organized PiBoIdMo— Picture Book Idea Month. The challenge is to create 30 picture book ideas in 30 days. And like NaNoWriMo, you get the chance for support, encouragement, and there are even prizes! Do you see the list of fabulous guest bloggers?! Information can be found here.

Maybe you’re a picture book writer and you want to try a novel? Or vice versa? Go crazy, kittens! This  is your month to see what you can do.

What say you, SCBWI WWA? Warm up those pens!

If you’re participating in either program, why not connect with others in our group on the SCBWI WWA Facebook page or here in the comments?

And thanks to Kerry Mazengia for the post suggestion!

Happy writing!

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