PiBo posts

Tara Lazar, the founder of PiBoIdMo (Picture Book Idea Month) and our very own Deb Lund teamed up for two very special joint posts in this blog entitled Write Wild, about high-concept picture books. To read the posts, click here. I think quite a few of you out there will find it relevant as well... Continue Reading →


Who's following PiBoIdMo over at Tara Lazar's blog? Some of our talented locals have awesome guest posts up on this November-long fest of work and inspiration for picture-book authors. Participant, member, and local PiBo author Laurie Thompson suggests this one from member Paul Schmid and this one from member Elizabeth Rose Stanton. Go, locals! Also,... Continue Reading →

November is…twice as nice

Why do we like November so much? Because it's... ...National Novel Writing Month! (Otherwise known as NaNoWriMo). The ultimate marathon of writing exercises, NaNoWriMo challenges you to write a 50,000-word novel in just one month. The idea is to let the messy first draft spill out without worrying about that pesky inner critic, who wants... Continue Reading →

Get ready for November!

Whether you write novels or picture books, November offers opportunities to kick start a new project...or 30. If you're the novel writing sort, you can celebrate National Novel Writing Month by trying your hand at NaNoWriMo! Their site offers loads in the way of support, information, finding others in your area. Sign up and see... Continue Reading →

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