Last chance: Weekend on the Water!

Last Day to Register for the Retreat! + A Teaser if You've Already Registered Are you sharpening those pencils and hard drives?  Here are descriptions of two of our retreat workshops. Katherine and Noa are especially excited about the first workshop, which they will be teaching together:  Structure, Plot, and Pacing: Revising for More Emotional... Continue Reading →

Weekend on the Water, 2015 edition

Wow! Do we have a retreat for you! The 2015 Weekend on the Water Retreat November 13–15 Dumas Bay Centre       The theme: "Shedding Light on the Murky Middle"   We are incredibly fortunate to be joined by:    Katherine Jacobs, Senior Editor, Roaring Press Books Independent Editor Noa Wheeler (formerly with Henry... Continue Reading →

Reminder: Janet Lee Carey’s workshop

THIS WEEKEND!  WORLD-BUILDING WORKSHOP: FROM ELVES TO ALIENS With YA Fantasy Author Janet Lee Carey  Are you creating worlds for fantasy novels, sci-fi novels or games? Considering terrain, ecosystems, beings, cultures, societies, and languages? There’s a lot to cover, but when you design a world from a central theme, adding history and conflict, you create... Continue Reading →

Stasia Ward Kehoe Teen Writing Workshop this Wednesday!!

Live on the eastside?Fellow SCBWI author Stasia Ward Kehoe is giving a TEEN WRITING WORKSHOPWednesday, August 24 · 6 – 7:30 p.m.Woodinville Library17105 Avondale Road NE, WoodinvilleFor more information, call 425.788.0733 Stasia, whose YA novel, AUDITION, will be published by Viking/Penguin this fall, will help you take your writing to a new level. Through theater... Continue Reading →

Be an 826 Student for a Day!

In honor of Youth Literacy Day on Friday (8/26), 826 Seattle is presenting a few writing projects similar to what they might offer students at the center. Write an 8-2-6 haiku, an 82.6 word short story, or an 826 character news article. They'll publish their favorite entries daily, and favorites will receive tote bags full... Continue Reading →

(9th Annual) Pacific Coast Children’s Writers Workshop

Looking for something different in a fiction writing workshop? Perhaps it’s time for agent or editor feedback on your entire novel manuscript. Or maybe you’re ready for multiple professional critiques on your all-important beginning. If so, consider our beachfront seminar for 14 advanced and/or published novelists. CONVENES: October 7-9, 2011 near Santa Cruz, CA. CONTENT:... Continue Reading →

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