Why agents matter–yet another reason

Michael Stearns at Upstart Crow has posted on everyone's favorite topic: subsidiary rights! You might have worn your jaw out talking about these over breakfast with your family (kidding!), but here's another reminder why having an agent is a good idea in the increasingly complicated, fast-changing publishing business: It is springtime here in New York,... Continue Reading →

Boost your productivity

Michael Stearns at Upstart Crow blogged about software called Freedom. It shuts off your crack supply Internet connection for however many minutes you specify, leaving you free to develop new distractions, like grooming your arm hair write. Read more here.And get the software (Mac-only) here.

What Chris Richman wants

One of my favorite agents in the world, Chris Richman of Upstart Crow Literary, has posted an extensive wish list for queries in the New Year. Here's the top:Genuinely hilarious: Humor is tough. I get it. It’s also incredibly subjective. I’ve found, though, that because I say I’m looking for funny books for boys, I... Continue Reading →

Portrait of a successful query

Some of you who've traveled to international SCBWI conferences may have met the lovely Sydney Salter. Here's how she caught the attention of agent Ted Malawer:When I first started agenting, I was working as an assistant at Firebrand Literary, going through the slush—which, in our case, was electronic. With hundreds and hundreds of queries, it’s... Continue Reading →

What makes a good kids’ book

Michael Stearns at Upstart Crow has shared Little, Brown's list of what makes an excellent children's book: If you work in publishing in any capacity whatsoever, then you likely have a deep affection for Little, Brown. And not just because they are riding so high these days. Sure, they the publishers of a kind-of-sort-of-somewhat-successful series... Continue Reading →

How to write a nonfiction book proposal

This is primarily intended for the adult market, methinks. But Danielle Chiotti's primer on the construction of a nonfiction book proposal is right on the money (I've sold two books in the adult market with just this approach). So, if you're wondering how to put your NF proposal together, pop on over to the Upstart... Continue Reading →

A big myth

The agent Colleen Lindsay has an excellent post on The Swivet about a misperception that bigger is better when it comes to books. Usually, this isn't the case--and it can sometimes be a marker that you're not yet a good enough writer to pare your story down to its essence.This is a must-read post, especially... Continue Reading →

How to write a query letter

The folks at Upstart Crow have a swell little writer's toolbox. If you're struggling to write a query letter, do check out this annotated version. It tells you how you should format, what you should put where, and what you should look out for. (It's a PDF, so you'll need a reader.)For the rest of... Continue Reading →

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