Reasons to write: from Sara Crowe’s blog

Sara's client Rachel Greer writes this post (sent our way by Liz Mills): I’ve heard other writers say that when they get a rejection letter, they post it on the wall of their office. A well-known poet I know says his walls are just plastered in them. I have never understood this; it’s one of... Continue Reading →

Before She Takes My Log In Privileges Away…

Check out this great article/interview on Lane Morris Buckman's Outside Lane blog about our very own super friend and Chinook Update editor, Women Worth Knowing: Meet Martha.Martha is also the push behind this up-at-dawn working routine that other SCBWI locals like Benjamin Watson, Kim Baker, and Jolie Stekly are now practicing. Follow them on Twitter... Continue Reading →

Leaving it all in the ring

If you need some inspiration to dig deeper, don't miss this blog post by Brian Hodge. Here's a tease:Tell me you haven’t been here before: You’re about to introduce a character, inject an idea, or just lay down a nice turn of phrase … and then stop. Not because it isn’t good enough, but because... Continue Reading →

Today’s inspiration: Grace Lin

Grace, who spoke at our last annual conference, really could be any day's inspiration. But here's a Blue Rose Girls post about entropy and her recent wedding: So, I've been a bit busy lately and haven't really kept up with all the posts here at the BRG as well as I should. So I am... Continue Reading →

100 things about a novel

Alexander Chee waxes poetic about the way novelists work. Here's the first few things:Sometimes music is needed.Sometimes silence.This is probably because a novel is a piece of music, like all written things, the language demanding you make a sound as you read it.Sometimes I have written them on subways, missing stops, like people do when... Continue Reading →

Jane Yolen at SCBWI

Kathy Temean published a great list of tips from Jane Yolen:Here’s the start:No exclamation points.Easy on the adverbs.Don’t let your characters float by giving them endless dialogue.Have fun.BIC – Butt in chair. HOP – Heart on Page.P not F – Passion not fashion. Write what you like.Remember your story does not have to have a... Continue Reading →

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