Wednesday funnies

Dana Sullivan, the creative genius behind Sticky Love, is going to share occasional illustrations that pertain to our craft. Hooray! And to launch this feature, we're starting off with one on editing. I think I've worked for this editor before...

The imaginary library at Western Washington University

Gretchen Hansen came back from Bellingham with a great tip about an illustration exhibit at the Wilson Library at Western Washington University. Here's what she observed:This exhibit consists of original art by 72 illustrators from 30 countries. The participating artists were invited by the International Library in Munich, to create an original book cover for... Continue Reading →

Free watercolor painting class

Dana Sullivan sent this along--I was out last week, which is why I wasn't able to post it in time for the first class. But here it is:This February, Seattle artist, Molly Murrah, is leading a special 5-week live watercolor painting class in the Creative Techs worldwide classroom. I "attended" Molly's experimental first class a... Continue Reading →

Are you down with OPP?

If you have no idea what OPP is, apparently you were elsewhere when Generation X was having its frisky way with the radio waves.Today, though, it stands for Other People's Pixels, which is a service that builds websites for illustrators.One of our colleagues, Elizabeth Sattler, used it to build her new site.Check out Other People's... Continue Reading →

Old James Thurber interview

This one's on Paris Review, and if you've ever had a piece of art or writing come out not exactly as you'd intended, you have to check it out. The first bit: Well, once I did a drawing for The New Yorker of a naked woman on all fours up on top of a bookcase—a... Continue Reading →

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