Some brisk advice from Colleen Lindsay

Colleen Lindsay, who has been blogging at The Swivet, is changing directions with her blog. Her rationale contains good advice for writers:If you really want to read a blog only about agenting and getting published, this is not the place for you. Go visit Nathan Bransford and Rachelle Gardner and Jessica Faust; in my opinion,... Continue Reading →

Thought-provoking stuff at The Swivet

Colleen Lindsay (quoted earlier here this week on novel length), posted a great quote from a screenwriter/director on her blog:It rarely takes more than a page to recognize that you're in the presence of someone who can write, but it only takes a sentence to know you're dealing with someone who can't.(By the way, here's... Continue Reading →

A big myth

The agent Colleen Lindsay has an excellent post on The Swivet about a misperception that bigger is better when it comes to books. Usually, this isn't the case--and it can sometimes be a marker that you're not yet a good enough writer to pare your story down to its essence.This is a must-read post, especially... Continue Reading →

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