Posting your book events

Are you an SCBWI member at the PAL level* with a new book coming out? Hooray! Let the Chinook Update know, and we'll help you announce it. Guidelines: Please try to email launch or signing event information at least a week, and preferably two, before the event. We'll try to accommodate shorter lead times, but... Continue Reading →

Here’s to You!!!

SCBWI WWA is an amazing region!!! Not just because we live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest or have an incredibly talented and hard working Advisory Committee (which we do...they are truly wonderful), but because we have the most amazing people that make up our region.  I'm getting married this summer and moving to Idaho (which... Continue Reading →

Submit to the printed Chinook

It’s hard to believe, but summer has come to a close. The trees are changing colors, the air is crisp, and it’s time for the next Chinook newsletter.We want to hear from you!Do you have a special talent in the children's book business?Have you learned something in a class that you want to share with... Continue Reading →

Welcome to the Chinook Update

This is a blog for children's book writers and illustrators in Western Washington, but of course we welcome all readers. To contact the editor, please send e-mail to chinook AT SIGN (replacing the words "AT SIGN" with the appropriate symbol, of course. These spambots are so persistent).

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