
Winner! Winner! Winner! CONGRATULATIONS  to the fabulous, talented, and dedicated LAURIE ANN THOMPSON, WINNER OF THE American Library Association's   2016 SCHNEIDER FAMILY BOOK AWARD (awarded for books that embody an artistic expression of the disability experience) for her amazing book, EMMANUEL'S DREAM (illustrated by Sean Qualls)  Laurie's book was honored at this Monday's live... Continue Reading →

And the winners are….

For a list of all the winners and honorees of this year's ALA Midwinter conference, please click here! You're welcome. Looks like we all have quite a wonderful must-read list for the rest of the winter. Congratulations to all!

Award-o-rama onscreen

Fresh from the ALA awards, here are a few great videos about a few winning author/illustrators and their processes: Brian FlocaOn process and book dummy creation His ALA speech about LocomotiveDavid Wiesner Two different videos on his process Molly IdleFlora & the Flamingo VideoInterview by Kathy Temean Aaron Becker The book trailer for Journey The... Continue Reading →

Catch the ALA awards by podcast

Have you got award fever yet? We can all tune in to the ALA live podcast on Monday, January 27, starting at 8:00 a.m. Eastern time, to hear the youth media award announcements for the Newbery, Caldecott, Printz, and many others of our community's most prestigious awards. — Contributed by member Katherine Kirkpatrick, whose January... Continue Reading →

ALA ! Kid Lit Drinks! What a weekend!

If you happen to find yourself with not a lot going on this weekend, hoof it on down to the Convention Center's Exhibition Hall, where the American Library Association's Midwinter Meeting (January 25-29) is going to fill the place to the rafters with librarians, authors, agents, publishers, bloggers, and general groupies and fans of all... Continue Reading →

ALA Notable Children’s Books – Nominated Titles

From the Association  for Library Services to Children (ALSC) blog: After a full year of intense reading, evaluation, and re-reading by committee members, the final 2011 Notable Children’s Books Midwinter discussion list and ballot is now available.  Final selections will be made at the ALA Midwinter conference.  Congratulations to our upcoming 20th Annual Children's Writing & Illustrating Conference keynoters... Continue Reading →

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