Our 2017 Art Show Winners!

A jury of faculty judges reviewed all of the portfolios for our 2017 SCBWI Western Washington Juried Portfolio Show.  We heard over and over how impressed faculty and attendees alike were with the overall level of artistic talent. While voice, flow, and execution came through across the portfolio show, our jury found that the following... Continue Reading →

Fact Meets Feeling: Melissa Manlove from Chronicle

Melissa Manlove is a senior editor at Chronicle Books. She focuses on picture books and nonfiction, especially narrative nonfiction that involves, moves, entertains and inspires the reader.  She gave a breakout session on writing narrative fiction that moves and informs readers. She's seeking nonfiction that's a pleasure to read, and recommends Sibert Award winners as... Continue Reading →

Editor Agent Panel

Author and all-around card Kim Baker moderated a panel with our editor and agent faculty. Here's a sampling of questions and answers. Kim Baker: What does a project need to have a shot in the marketplace? Melissa Manlove from Chronicle Books: "There are so many books and so many readers. The simplest, most honest answer is an audience... Continue Reading →

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